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Rob Savin - Wild Art Rob

About Rob Savin

Rob has had a passion for both art and wildlife from a young age. 


Working with animals throughout his career, Rob has worked full time as an animal keeper at Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire for many years, creating his fantastic artwork in his spare time.


He has been a featured keeper many times in the BBC television series 'Animal Park', and has actively taken part in fund-raising activities for various animal charities.


Many years of experimenting with materials and subject matters, Rob has developed his own style of artwork which jumps out of the picture and gives the viewer a unique opportunity to see the 'soul' of the subject and capture the essence of the animal he is drawing.


He frequently shows his work at exhibitions around the country and has been a finalist in the Explorers Against Extinction ‘Sketch for Survival’ exhibition where he got to raise money and awareness for this charity.


Many of the pieces on display in the gallery are oil on canvas, but Rob is also proficient at pencil drawing and watercolours.


Rob now has a growing catalogue of work, as well as a healthy number of satisfied customers from private commissions under his belt.

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